Twenty-Four Hours and Counting Until the Ford Mustang Auction Begins

Get Ready!
Get Set!

Go to the Bidify Auction website in 24 hours to participate in the most exciting auction yet!

The Ford Mustang auction should be a historical and amazing event for us.

People have already been bidding and thus it goes to show you that the excitement is building to drive away with a vehicle that’s a classic. I used to drive our family Mustang around town and make people laugh with the pony horn!

Gotta LOVE the Ford Mustang!

Get in on all the action tomorrow and see you there!

Satisfaction For Myself and My Team Members

Occasionally, usually once a week, I take a look at my Team members earnings from my Back Office.

Not only am I satisfied with my own earnings, I am satisfied that my Team members are all doing well.

When your Team is making money, they are happy campers!
They are rarely side-tracked by other offers or programs. They know what a good thing ‘stability’ is in this industry. They value ZR as much as I do.

This matters to me. I feel good to have gotten them involved when they are successful. It brightens up the day. It makes all the years looking for a jewel in the dirt of dozens upon dozens of programs worthwhile.

Satisfaction: The Best Product from ZR
For further information, visit our Zeek site here:

When the Dinar is Revalued: Economic Transformation

We are still waiting and when the revaluation of currencies worldwide occurs, the economies of nations will be stabilized.

This is good and not so good…

If you are ready for stability, then it will work out well for you.

If you make money by exploiting the markets, you may be in for a rude awakening.
I prefer stability to volatility…

I Just Found a Page I Had Missed All This Time

You would like to think that I’ve explored every page on ZR, but I missed this one.

The contact page with inquiries for more information. It escaped me…

When I got an email, it made me look further into my Back Office.
Know I know and so do you…